The Draft Ordinances are ready for your review!
Please review the draft Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances. Click the button on the right to view the drafts.
We want your feedback! You can comment on the ordinance on this page.
Thanks for attending the Open House!
Your feedback is much appreciated! We are working to incorporate any changes to the ordinance now. Feel free to peruse the materials from the Open House on the Resources page.
Don't forget!
There are still more opportunities to give feedback.
See timeline to the left to view the other key dates in the process.

We're Updating Our Ordinances!
Following a key strategy from the comprehensive plan, Marshall Township is undergoing an Ordinance Update to ensure goals and objectives are reflected in land use policy.
This update will primarily affect the Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances (SALDO).
An updated zoning ordinance will provide greater clarity and predictability for developers and property owners. By setting clear guidelines for land use and development, we can reduce confusion and uncertainty for those who want to invest in our community and preserve the landscapes outlined in the Comprehensive plan.
See the Ordinance Update page for more information.
Stay tuned for more details and updates as the project progresses!

Where we are the process and what's coming up.
The graphics below depicts the project's process and what's upcoming. Thank you to those that have submitted feedback, attended meetings, or responded to our surveys! We are now at the part of the project (milestone #4) where we will share drafts of the ordinances with the public to solicit more feedback on our policy direction. The Ordinance Update Open House is set for January 15th! During the Open House, we will have multiple stations where we will present our direction on various parts of the Ordinance and ask for feedback.

Join us for an Open House!
Keep an eye out for an invite to the Open House to discuss changes to the zoning ordinance. We are aiming for some time in January. Join us to have your voice heard and shape your community!
Thanks to those that talked to us a Community Day this year! Your feedback is much appreciated!
Thank you for your input on the Route 910 Land Use, Conservation Residential District, and landscaping Surveys! Those surveys are now closed.

Join the Chat!
Have more to say?
Submit your thoughts in the key issues sections!
Click the link in the speech bubble to the left.

Developing a successful Implementable Comprehensive Plan for Marshall Township will depend heavily on public and stakeholder input. During the next year, stay tuned for announcements on coming events, draft documents and news on how you can take part in helping to shape the community's future. More details about the plan are available here.