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Key Issue

Green Space & Future Development


Future development throughout the Township maximizes the preservation of green space and minimizes the disruption of natural assets. Local policy and ordinances effectively balance the rights of property owners to develop with the strong public interest in protecting natural resources and the attractive experience of traveling through Marshall Township.

  1. Formally establish a Township green corridor network that permanently protects contiguous land with high environmental value.

  2. Target an upcoming election for a ballot referendum to create a dedicated local fund for land conservation initiatives and outdoor recreation projects. An open space bond for land or easement acquisition could support new recreational or open-space use; capital projects, operations and maintenance that protect the quality of natural resources and habitat, flood risk reduction, and grant funding leverage for DCNR or foundation sources.

  3. Implement a stormwater management fee

  4. Adjust provisions of the Conservation Residential zoning district to ensure that future development on the Township’s western side is consistent with the well-supported public interest in maximizing green space and minimizing environmental impacts.  

  5. Appoint a citizen Environmental Advisory Council  to advise Planning Commission and Township Supervisors and undertake conservation initiatives as authorized and limited by PA Act 148, as amended.

  6. Encourage and facilitate land conservation options (and associated tax benefits) available to private landowners, such as conservation easements and land donations, deed restrictions, planned giving of funds for green space conservation as part of estate planning.

  7. Undertake a full review of the Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development, Grading and Stormwater Management ordinances to address any inconsistencies and identify opportunities to incorporate best practices for low-impact development, sustainability and incentivizing redevelopment/reinvestment.







What is important for the plan to consider about the future of green space and future development in Marshall Township?

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